Having a massage can be both relaxing and helpful in your recovery from injury. Here at Cardy Sports Clinic we don’t just treat sports people, so no matter what your interest or profession we can help you become pain-free and stress free. So if you are looking for a massage in Abingdon or massage near Abingdon we can help.
We are most experienced when it comes to Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage. This style of massage naturally gets deeper into the tissues bringing about a deeper level of relaxation. Sports or Deep Tissue Massage shouldn’t be excruciatingly painful like many think.
What Will Massage Do For Me?
No matter how stress-free your life is, there is always something that will bring about a stressful period in your life. Without knowing about it, your muscles collect a lot of this stress. Typically built up in the neck and shoulders. Massage can help to relieve you of this stress and bring about an inner feeling of relaxation.
Alongside this, massage can help to relieve pain and help with the healing process. If you have suffered a recent injury or in the recovery process, utilising massage is a great way to speed p your recovery.
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About Us
I personally have 5+ years of experience when it comes to massage. I have treated a variety of different problems across a wide variety of people. Having previously worked with elite sports people and disability sport, I started up Cardy Sports Clinic so I could help more people.
Here at Cardy Sports Clinic we offer our services from two clinics. We operate out of clinics in both Abingdon and Didcot. If you are interested to see how we can help you feel free to get in contact with us.
Are You Looking For A Massage In Abingdon?
Come and see how we can can help you. Have you thought about a Sports Massage or Deep Tissue Massage before? I have seen many people with bad backs that come into my clinic after having alternative styles of massage. After many sessions the are seeing no improvement. Make the investment into your body a wise one and choose us.